Is it still necessary to convince people about java momentum ? Should you answer “yes” to this question, here are some quick facts gathered during the JavaONE general sessions :
- 15000 persons gathered for the largest Java development event of the year
- 2.5 Billion devices are now running Java. We have more cell phone than PC running Java today
- This year, the Java developer community increased by about 12%, reaching 4.5 million developers.
- IBM renew its J2EE license for the next 11 years
- Every single blue-ray DVD player (whose specs has just been finalized) will have a Java runtime build in to propose interactive and connected experience to consumers
- Sun’s Java System Application Server is now open-sourced
- Sun’s Java System Enterprise Service Bus is now open-sourced
- Microsoft is hosting technical conferences this year, their topic will be about Java – .Net interroperability.
- and my prefered : Sun’s announced it’s intent to buy Seebeyond. What a move in the SOA space !