Many customers are asking for the latest and greatest features from our development trees, while asking at the same time for the security of a support contract.
Developers wants to work with the latest stable builds, Managers wants the security of 24/7 support and legal indemnifications.
Until today, customers had either to download the latest stable build from our open source and community web sites (such as OpenSSO, OpenESB), either to subscribe to the commercial equivalent of these tools (Access Manager, Java CAPS) .
Once again, Sun is changing the rules.
GlassFishESB will be the officially supported version of the community open source project OpenESB, with stable releases on a more frequent basis than the commercial equivalent Java CAPS, also based on OpenESB.
GlassFishESB is the fourth release vehicle for Java CAPS, the others being ESB Suite, MDM Suite and, the full Java CAPS. Confused ? Check this table to compare our four offerings.
But we don’t want to leave our Java CAPS customers behind, therefore the components that are being released with GlassFish ESB are targeted for use by Java CAPS customers as well. The objective being that Java CAPS or ESB Suite customers can use all of the capabilities released with GlassFish ESB at the time they are available.
Further, going forward, customers who buy the higher levels Suites should not be "disadvantaged" in terms of either not having access to new components and also having access to them at the same time. In other words, we want customers of the "suites" to have the benefits and flexibility of the community approach as well
Similarly, OpenSSO Express is the supported version of OpenSSO, available to Access Manager customers. Access Manager releases are published every 12-15 months, while OpenSSO Express releases are planed every 3 months.
Can we get the best of both worlds ? You bet !