CEC Day #1

CEC is the Sun-internal Customer Engineering Conference, a full three days of technical content, meet the experts, networking with peers and … lot of fun in San Francisco !

I spent most of my time yesterday in software related sessions : all about Composite Application Suite and Identity Management.

We had some great exchanges on

  • Web services security and how it is implemented in Netbeans 5.5 Enterprise Pack.
  • SOA Governance and how it will help organization to deploy and manage large scale, enterprise level, service oriented architectures
  • Access Manager 7.x, OpenSSO and how they relate to Liberty specification today and in the future
  • How to use SPML and Java API to remote provision user accounts with Identity Manager, ideal to include Identity-related functionalities in your portal or other in-house applications.

I am really looking forward this second day for more content !

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