Browser market share on

Like all users of this web site, I regularly receive some usage stats. Interesting section is the browser identity.

Mozilla family (Firefox, Mozilla, Camino, …) 50.5 %
Internet Explorer 40.2%
Safari 4.9%
Netscape (pre-Mozilla) 1.6%
Opera 1.3%
Other 1.5%

I realize that the communities reading Sun’s employees blogs are probably more Unix minded than the average Internet user, therefore yielding a higher usage of Mozilla family of browser. Howvere, I found these figures surprising : Mozilla had a 50% market share and Safari almost reached 5%.

These stats are for the current month (first two weeks of August) and were observed for 107K unique visitors.

I am looking forward the next stats in a couple of weeks.

  1. #1 by Christopher Saul on 16/08/2005 - 08:22

    Where do you get these stats from? I’ve never been sent them!

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